Saturday, August 25, 2007

In the middle of the hectic recovery from camp (really, who has time sit on their patootie when there is 8 days worth of laundry from 6 people blocking the back door), getting groceries, and Willow missing, our van broke down. Specifically, the brakes failed. I sounded like I was driving a jet plane without the speed. My dad is a mechanic, so he fixed while we looked for our dog. Brakes got fixed and he noticed another major problem - the pulley that holds the fan belt in place was misaligned? or something the like - now, if you are a mechanic don't quote me on that! I probably got something wrong in the translation. So I had to go to my dad's again, because he said the van wasn't safe to drive. OH GOSH!!! and we just got back from a trip! Looking for the dog again - which was a most excellent thing to do! But all this stuff!!! I started developing a twitch. My head just wouldn't stay straight.

And my fridge broke down - I just restocked with groceries after being away! Not a little broke, mind you. Dead dead. Food warming on the racks dead. Starting to stink dead. We'd had it serviced last year and the technician said we might get a year out of it - the freon was leaking and he couldn't fix it, so he re-filled the freon and wished us luck. We got 14 months out of it. So, the van was completely fixed, and we started talking coyotes and our LITTLE dog, so rather than going to look for her that afternoon, I went to buy a fridge. I hate shopping. And appliance shopping is never big on most people's list of favourite things to shop for. And I was still thinking about Willow. Praying for Willow. Found a fridge and a store that supplied us with a loaner for FREE (loaner was free, not the fridge - that was $$$$$!!!!!) It was while I was shopping for said fridge that someone called us that Willow had been spotted. My dad came and picked up the loaner fridge, so he had been in the dog park where our dog was spotted 30 minutes before she was spotted. Do you see where this is headed!


Time to let go. Van is fixed. Dog is back and making a significantly speedy recovery. Fridge is to be delivered today. Laundry is done, and in fact, a new weeks worth of laundry must be done. I'm glad every week isn't like the last week - I wonder how world leaders do it without going loopy - some do go loopy, I know. I'm feeling less loopy than I was a few days ago. Today is a new day with much less hoohaahaa so I'm going to try to stop twitching...


Jennifer Meyer said...

Hang in there Loretta, Thinking of you! Jennifer :)

Kirst said...

Glad to hear your dog was found. What an answer to your prayers. Sorry to hear about the other stuff. I feel the same way.

Jenn said...

wow, what a week! Sure glad things are looking up. was it difficult finding a fridge the same size as the old one?

Jenn said...

PS. Way to go Morgan winning the vocal competition. Way to take after mom and dad. And man has she ever gottn tall!!!

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