Saturday, July 2, 2011

AARCS Update - the Lamborghini Litter

Yes, there are now 16 dogs in my house. There are 5 10 day old puppies in the laundry room, Scotty and her litter of 7 in the dog run and our 3. When I break it up like that, it doesn't seem like many at all, does it?!!

Last Sunday we were delivered of a new orphan litter and they were 4 days old at the time and fit in one hand. Their mom died (no details) and a very kind person saved the pups and gave AARCS (Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society) a call. AARCS put out an email asking if anyone could take the orphan litter, and so I responded. I suspect they didn't call me out right because I already had a litter in the dog run, but they are up for adoption as of today, so I figured, what the heck! What's another few puppies?!

There was a little girl from this litter that wasn't sure she wanted to be with us much longer, but I guess she decided she liked our goat milk and formula that she'd stay for awhile. She was very dehydrated and before she arrived, the wonderful folks who rescued her then the very lovely Sandy who brought the litter to me, were having trouble feeding her. We named her Miura and she is doing just fine.

My daughter's friend was over the day after this litter arrived and we were thinking about naming them after exotic cars. He pulled out his phone and did a quick search and found Miura, a model of Lamborghini (<--- look Morgan, an appositive {grade 11 final exam multiple choice answer that the smart kids didn't know}), and that triggered our final name theme for this litter. We are naming them Miura, Espada, Diablo, Urraco and an S-something model I can't remember off the top of my head. One of my favourite parts of fostering is naming all our pups!

See the pup at the top with a little of a white stripe down his nose? That's Diablo. These guys are real little poopers now that they are feeling better. When they arrived, they each fit in only one hand. Now, a week later they are all double hand fulls. Here's our car maintenance stations that go up once or twice a day, depending on how much they poop on each other (a mom would take of this for us, ya know!)

The speedy wash.

Miura hanging out at the wash station.

The drying station and it looks like Urraco got a fluff job!

The feeding/gassing (eewww!) station with Urraco chowing down.

Urraco's tank is full.

I have a post for tomorrow on Scotty and her litter. If you drop by for paper crafting alone, I'll have more for you next week. This weekend, my blog is dedicated to why my paper craft posts and deadlines are sometimes late. **I REALLY APPRECIATE WHEN MY DESIGN TEAM COORDINATORS UNDERSTAND WHY MY PROJETS ARE LATE AND, ON OCCASSION, NO SHOWS.** My family believes very strongly that this is a very important ministry God has called us to, to restore this one small part of His creation. He has blessed us mightily through our rescue dogs and we are so thankful none have died in our care (yet - odds are it will happen) and that they have instead, recovered and thrived.


  1. Bless you Loretta for helping these babes at a good start in life!! =) Despite the mess & smell, I'm sure they are fun! *wink*

  2. Well done Loretta!!
    you are doing a great job and yes tracy they do not smell if take care of them self, and he looks very cute....:)

  3. Awww they are the sweetest, naming them would be the hard part for me, I have a hard time thinking of titles for my card posts...LOL
